Wednesday 2 March 2011

jennifersmusings: March Is HERE!

jennifersmusings: March Is HERE!: "WooHoo! Spring is just about at the door. This week I'm giving away two sets of boos and Ts: Heavenly and A Season of Eden. Both shirts ar..."

Wednesday 26 January 2011

So annoyed with so many things today

I am so annoyed today firstly money's gone out my bank even though i'd stopped the direct debt, my sky tv isn't working & my iphone needs fixing & then to top it all there's stupid people who will willingly burn or rip a book to pieces just cos it Twilight & it was bought as a present how ungrateful are some people? So you hate Twilight does that mean you want to get everyone else to feel the same? can't you except that there are going to be people who love the film & the books. It's called having an opinion of their own & it's up to them if they like it or they don't & they shouldn't try to change their minds. I know there's people out there who won't admit they like Twilight cos of all the hassle they'll get. It's so childish & stupid (sorry but i am so annoyed) It makes me wonder if these people are/was bullies at school, did they go & terrorise younger,weaker children, those who was slightly different for some reason or the other. Me i'm live & let live don't try force your views on someone else, it's ok to be different, why be a sheep, you know, dress a certain way, act a certain way, bully people who are deemed below you. Those people are weak cowards who are also made to feel worthless by someone. It's a never ending cycle going round & round. I hope that one day these people will grow up & feel ashamed at what they did to the Twilight books i'm not saying that Twilight is a master piece the best book i've ever read, no it's a love story like no other i've read. I hold it in the light the right light. To me it's a beautiful story & i love the films too yet i won't try to make my friends love it like me, they tolerate me talking about it & they'll come watch it at pictures.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Finished Evermore The immortals book 1 **spoilers**

I must say i really enjoyed this book. Don't get me wrong most books that i read all seem to have the main character falling in love with the hottest guy in school, but i suppose that's more to do with the fact i'm reading YA novels. Once i got over that minor problem it was an enjoyable read only took me just over a day.
I did think the same as Ever did that Damen was a vampire as he drank this red liquid & he could move really fast,but he isn't a vampire no he's immortal,(he's over 600 years old), & Ever is now immortal as he brought her back after all her family died in a car accident that we find out was caused by Damen ex-wife Drina who has been using Ever's best mate Haven so Ever was alone more. Drina has been killing Ever for hundreds of years but Ever keeps coming back being reincarnated & it's only now that Damen realises that Drina's been doing this every time he gets close to Ever.

Thursday 13 January 2011

Book i'm reading

Hi all
I'm reading Fallen by Lauren Kate at the moment. I'm struggling with it a bit but i think that's more to do with all the interruptions i keep getting, it is very annoying to have to stop reading I forget where i am what i've just read.
If kids are playing on their games console & i ask them something they don't like it but they can interrupt me when ever they want.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Form spring

Hi all
form spring is meant to be a fun & friendly place. it's where you can ask people questions you can, if you want hide who you are by being anonymous which can add a fun factor to the mix. But if it's being used to bully, abuse & generally upset people then isn't that just wrong? it's just a different type of bulling & no-one likes a bully. I think it's the lowest of the low to hide behind anon. Maybe they have issues of their own maybe they're so insecure they have to hurt other people i  order for them to feel in anyway a little better about themselves. That doesn't make it right no it makes it sadder..cos what sort of life does that person have if their only enjoyment is making other people sad. Not to have anyone to share good times with, no-one to talk to at all...what a miserable existence they must have. It was always told to me that bullies are cowards. It's a learnt behaviour as in someone must bully the bully or at least treat them so horrid they do it to others as they believe it to be normal behaviour.
Should we feel sorry for the bully? NO i don't think we should but i do think we should offer understanding & help. We can't forget the victim in all this though as they're the ones who matter most. They need all the help & understanding so they know it's not there fault & they didn't do anything wrong to make the bully hate them as i'd believe the bully probably doesn't hate them no the bully hates themselves even more

Finished My Soul to Take

I loved every word written in this book. I'm already looking to book 2 my soul to save. How do i go about describing a book that has touched my heart, entered my soul, changed me in ways i never thought possible again? Yes this has happened before with, Infinite Days.

The book had so many twists & turns, unexpected ones, which are the best. It would be so hard to review this book without giving away so many spoilers, one of the twists had be literally gasping from breath i just didn't see it coming. It is truly a very special book, very well written, i'd recommend everyone to read it

Tuesday 11 January 2011

MY soul to take Soul screamers #1

OMG!! how do i even begin to explain how awesome this book is...
The cover is brilliant, white with a girl mouth open wide in full scream very red lips in a haze of fog.
How its wrote is awesome too even though it's a YA book it still appeals to me who's anything but a YA. I really can't wait to read the next one even though i've not finished this 1.
I can barely put it down, i only started it yesterday & have only got 4 chapters to read now. It'll be one i'll read again
One of my favourite authors already