Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Form spring

Hi all
form spring is meant to be a fun & friendly place. it's where you can ask people questions you can, if you want hide who you are by being anonymous which can add a fun factor to the mix. But if it's being used to bully, abuse & generally upset people then isn't that just wrong? it's just a different type of bulling & no-one likes a bully. I think it's the lowest of the low to hide behind anon. Maybe they have issues of their own maybe they're so insecure they have to hurt other people i  order for them to feel in anyway a little better about themselves. That doesn't make it right no it makes it sadder..cos what sort of life does that person have if their only enjoyment is making other people sad. Not to have anyone to share good times with, no-one to talk to at all...what a miserable existence they must have. It was always told to me that bullies are cowards. It's a learnt behaviour as in someone must bully the bully or at least treat them so horrid they do it to others as they believe it to be normal behaviour.
Should we feel sorry for the bully? NO i don't think we should but i do think we should offer understanding & help. We can't forget the victim in all this though as they're the ones who matter most. They need all the help & understanding so they know it's not there fault & they didn't do anything wrong to make the bully hate them as i'd believe the bully probably doesn't hate them no the bully hates themselves even more

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